Thank you for taking the time to check out our page! Feel free to look around and learn more about us, our dogs, puppies and our operation here at Loving Loyal Labs!
Our home is nestled in the countryside of our family dairy farm, surrounded by rolling hills, crop fields, pastures for our cattle, and ponds. We are located in the beautiful St Croix River Valley a few miles off of Interstate 94 on the Wisconsin / Minnesota border, in a suburb of the Twin Cities which is located east of St. Paul, MN approximately 30 minutes.
My name is Whitney Strate, I was born and raised in Hudson, WI. I’ve been married to my husband Jonathan since 2017. He is a 6th generation dairy and agricultural farmer. We lead a busy life as a farming and labrador breeding family. Our family consists of my husband and I, and we have a little girl together and my 2 teenage stepsons. My parents live close and help out immensely when we have litters to care for. Raising a litter of puppies takes help from everyone to make it a success; from cleaning up the endless messes to snuggling, handling and socializing the puppies, everyone pitches in to raise these lovable bundles of joy!
The discovery of these remarkably loyal dogs began when I got my first two labradors in my early 20’s and I absolutely fell in love with the breed. I started this breeding journey in 2007 as a young adult, still trying to determine which path in life was right for me. My adventure into breeding started with Brando & Sascha, the patriarch & matriarch, to my breeding program. A colleague had suggested that I breed my two dogs while I was off for the summer of 2010. All it took was one litter and I was “hooked”. I have come a long way since that first litter, I have enjoyed the journey and I’m continually learning new things with each dog, each litter and all of the relationships I’ve built with my puppies’ families.
I have always loved dogs but my passion for them did not start until I had my own labradors and saw how naturally loyal and genuine they were.
Breeding high quality Labrador Retrievers is of great importance to us! Our ultimate goal is to place happy, healthy puppies with loving forever families. Raising lively, well adjusted pups in homes where they will be cherished, valued, and bring great usefulness and pleasure to their human companions for years to come.
Our puppies are raised in our home. I am dedicated to enriching each and every one of our puppies with as much love and affection imaginable, in an effort to provide other families with loving, affectionate, loyal, and lively puppies. I take great pride in every one of my puppies and dogs. My breeding program is small but continues to grow because of the love and support from families like yours.
All of our breeding dogs are AKC registered Labrador Retrievers. Our dogs are selected for their temperament, trainability, and health. All of our dogs are health tested prior to breeding including OFA hips, elbows, and full panel testing for all genetic diseases. They come current on all vaccinations, worming and will be microchipped. Our puppies will have a wellness check by our veterinarian prior to leaving as well. Our puppies begin their lives with Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) and Early Scent Introduction (ESI).
ENS was developed by the military in order to give the dog a superior advantage. Its development utilized six exercises which were designed to stimulate the neurological system. Each workout involved handling puppies once each day. The five benefits that were observed are improved cardiovascular performance (heart rate), stronger heart beats, stronger adrenal glands, more tolerance to stress, and a greater resistance to disease. Along with ENS, LLL puppies are well socialized with different sights, sounds, experiences, and interaction with other dogs as well as children. We believe strongly in using these tools to produce the very best dogs that will excel in all areas of their lives.
You can read more about ENS on AKC’s Website (https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/dog-breeding/breeder-puppy-socialization-early-neurological-stimulation/)
ESI is a procedure we do that helps puppies with their nose awareness and confidence. It enhances their ability to identify and react to scents. Similar to Early Neurological Stimulation, ESI is introduced at days 3-16 of a puppies life and is very beneficial for their development. During this curriculum, we expose them to a different scent each day and chart their reaction on their neonatal care chart. Some of the benefits to this program are creating a more aware and alert dog, which in return makes an even better companion, service, and therapy dog. Many times with therapy and early service dog training, the dog’s scent abilities are a characteristic that is required. Studies have shown that stimulating puppies’ scent ability early on has been proven to dramatically increase their scent ability later in life.
A few examples of how dogs can help through their scent abilities are—
· Nearly half of children with autism tend to run away or go missing. Many dogs are trained to follow the scent and can locate the child.
· Diabetic alert dogs are trained to detect low or high blood sugar levels by the smells in the air.
· Some dogs can even let an elderly person know that the stove has been left on, or even a gas leak.
Naturally some dogs have more of a natural nose instinct compared to others. By doing this training and recording their reactions it helps us match the right pup with the right individual need.
You can read more about ESI or watch a short video at Avidog’s website (https://www.avidog.com/early-scent-introduction-for-neonate-puppies/)
Enrichment & Socialization
I do everything I can to socialize my puppies. I want them to be easily trainable and have a smooth transition to their new home. In addition to the ENS and ESI protocols, your puppy will also be accustomed to doing ‘their business’ in a litter box, which will allow for an easier transition to house training. Sound stimulation & Desensitizing or Conditioning of loud household noises (hair dryer, vacuum, clothes dryer, loud children ( & teenagers). Noises such as thunderstorms, rain, freight trains also introduced during the critical age to assist with training and conditioning. I utilize the following enrichment methods: Outdoors (when Weather permits), Body Handling (feet, ears, tail, etc), Enrichment Cube, Being raised inside a home environment with constant children and adult socialization, puppy play area with multiple types of stimulating equipment, Weekly Nail Trimming, Puppy Temperament Evaluation, barrier challenge, Texture stimulation, Noise Desensitized, Noises, Structures, e.g. Climbing, Scents, Chew, e.g. Bone, Toys, e.g. Ball, Touch Desensitization, Grooming Desensitization, Household Desensitization, Sound Stimulation, Socialized with Adult Dogs, Socialized with Children.
I hope our puppies bring lasting joy and love into your homes!
State of Wisconsin licensed and inspected: 521630-DS